
I collaborate a lot.
2 heads are better than one , no?

A collaboration with my dear friend Nelson Loskamp !
Search for the Clear Head/TotalClarity Painting prayer wheel
Nelson Loskamp & Kal Spelletich
1997 set in motion 2014
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Ajit Collaboration 2
A collaboration with Ajit Chauhan
from the exhibit “Don’t Be Upset—I’m Only Crying in English” – Kevin Killian & Ajit Chauhan

at Sight School in Oakland. The flowers were referencing a poem by Elizabeth Bishop, they were balanced by  rocks, a motor caused them to rock!
Ajit collaboration 3

Buring christmas trees in Berlin on Y2K

Buring christmas trees in Berlin on Y2K with Bastian Maris

The dead of winter in Berlin, Germany. Y2K is upon us, the apocalypse or mere party night? Bastian and Kal get a turbine jet-engine running, collect dozens of old X-mas trees and we mount the trees on a custom made turntable, spin them up with bastian’s old jet engine and incinerate them all over Berlin until well into the new year, no apocalypse besides what we wrought.

A collaboration with Chris Johanson

A collaboration with Chris Johanson

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A collaboration with Chris Johanson

2 drunks spin around a bottle of VODKA , courting it if you will, but, the vodka lashes back/out with a flamethrower and ignites it’s suitors! operated by 3 different people,
Chris was very hilarious when we made this, both of us were dabbling in alcoholism then, and trying to address the

Work With Survival Research Laboratories

Survival Research Laboratories was conceived of and founded by Mark Pauline in November 1978. Since its inception SRL has operated as an organization of creative technicians dedicated to re-directing the techniques, tools, and tenets of industry, science, and the military away from their typical manifestations in practicality, product or warfare. Since 1979, SRL has staged over 45 mechanized presentations in the United States and Europe. Each performance consists of a unique set of ritualized interactions between machines, robots, and special effects devices, employed in developing themes of socio-political satire. Humans are present only as audience or operators. markp at



Tired of the Elections? Sick and Tired of the Propaganda? Disgusted with the lies?
This is HARD WORK!
Watch 2 ROBOTIC DEBATERS controlled by you, duke it out!
Matt Heckert and I have a show at ATA Artists Television Access
It will be clear who to vote for in the end.

Bar Scene From Mock Up On MU

A film in am in and did special “effects” in/with
MOCK UP ON MU, Craig Baldwin, 2008
16mm to digiBetaSP, 109 mins.
A radical hybrid of spy, sci-fi, Western, and even horror genres, Mu musters  the creative audacity—make that recklessness—to take up within its  absurdly impossible ‘collage-narrative’ agency the profoundly serious issue of the militarization of space. (Mostly) Based on historical fact—the occult rituals of 3 seminal figures in post-War California (JPL founder Jack Parsons, L.Ron Hubbard, and Marjorie Cameron)–newly-shot live-action footage is intercut with both fiction and non-fiction archival material to weave a dense, farcical tale of mind-control, subterranean intrigue, and aerospace speculation …and in pulp-serial form to boot! oh, marjorie cameron +

Machine with speakers that play a leopard purring hug you when you stand in the middle

Built with Tamara Albaitis:

A project I did with Johanna Jackson!

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at an exhibit I helped curate called Streetopia at TheLuggage Store in San Francisco, Ca.

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Johanna proposed to me to think about the old street sellers below the free way at Duboce Street, they would spread their wares out on blankets most days but especially weekends, you could get some OK stuff, always bike parts and home items, hopefully not stolen, but one could search for a stolen bike there as well. It was truly a local market.


The 40′ Tall HELCO tower

An Installation and performance by the arts collective SEEMEN
Collaborators were:
Kal Spelletich, Mykel Diaz, Christian Ristow, John Law, Maya Hayuk, Serena Irwin, Flynn Mauthe, Dana Albany, Kimric Smythe, Robert Burke, Michael PePe, Tanya, Nick Spelletich, and many other (100 +) beloved helpers.
We built a strip mall with just fast food joints, churches and a bank. We let friends and whoever preach, rant and prosthelytize, serve food and be money lenders for the duration of the week of the festival.

HELCO at the end, Burning

I have made dozens of pieces with my dear friend Chris Johanson….

Several collaborations with Chris Johanson

Several collaborations with Chris Johanson

2 Kal & Chris 3 Kal & Chris 4 Kal & Chris 5 Kal & Chris

More collaborative pieces with Chris Johanson

More collaborative pieces with Chris Johanson

10 Kal & Chris 11 Kal & Chris 12 Kal & Chris 13 Kal & Chris 14 Kal & Chris 15 Kal & Chris

I first saw Chris Johanson’s work during a visit to an art fair that Aaron Rose had pulled together in a vacant downtown office building in the early 1990s. There was a stack of black line drawings on brown parchment paper from which I chose what still remains one of my favorite pieces of art. I have followed and collected Chris’ work continually and remain endlessly amazed at his skills and derring-do. Among my most memorable gallery visits ever was the opening of A COLLABORATION at Jack Hanley S.F. in 2007, which featured Chris and Kal Spelletich’s authentically dangerous sculptures with spinning chunks of wood and lunging knives that sent art fans leaping out of the way. Chris remains true to himself while endlessly exploring, always with excellent and beguiling results.

— Todd Oldham

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